Before beginning, one thing should be clear in mind that in Homeopathy, QUALITY MATTERS, NOT QUANTITY. Because after reading this procedure, many patients get surprised. But everything here is scientific and should be strictly followed for better results.

  •     The more diluted medicine is, the deeper action it has. In LM potencies we do serial dilutions with frequent repetitions for deeper action. Rather than making it more complicated for patients to understand by explaining reasons behind, we will directly jump to procedure of consuming LM potencies. You can also find a video demonstration about How to consume LM potencies by clicking “Here”. Those who are interested in detailed study can see my video prepared for students by clicking “Here”.
  •     First of all you need a virgin glass bottle of 4 Oz (approximately 120 ml), pure water, alcohol, table spoon, small spoon and a cup. To prepare LM potency, 2-3 small poppy seed sized globules of prescribed medicine is put in the glass bottle which is properly washed and dried. Add water to the bottle up to approximately 100 ml mark, some top portion of bottle should be left empty for the water to move around when we give strokes. Now put 10-15 drops of alcohol to it.
  •     Next part is giving strokes. You are supposed to give 10 downward strokes either on your hand placing a towel on it or on surface like table placing a pillow on it. Your hand should be placed above the bottom of the bottle to avoid injuries to fingers. Each stroke is given by full swing of the arm like balling in cricket. All the patients should give 10 strokes every time before consuming medicines. Please note that strictly only 10 strokes should be given unless we suggest reducing or increasing strokes. Some patients when they find a good improvement, on their own increase or decrease strokes. Some patients even consume medicines without   giving strokes and land in to aggravation. It should be clear that giving strokes is a mechanical process. Speaking in the language of physics, kinetic energy is converted in to potential energy. So it is necessary to give strokes every time before consuming medicines.
  •     Now in third and last part, we take out a table spoonful of content from bottle and mix it thoroughly in half cup of water by stirring for 30-40 times. And now you are supposed to place a small spoonful content from cup on your tongue and discard rest remaining in cup. You will be surprised to hear that but I again repeat, in homeopathy quality is more important than quantity. So consume only a small spoonful and discard rest medicine in cup. Next dose should also be consumed in similar way by giving strokes.
  •     Dose schedule varies from patient to patient but in most of cases we prescribe LM potency for a week and wait for a week. In next week, if any medicine is remaining in bottle, it’s discarded and the bottle is properly washed and dried and next potency is prepared by adding 2-3 globules of next number potency and same procedure is repeated.
  •     If you are residing in damp area, we may dispense those globules on a powder (sugar of milk) so that globules won’t get spoiled by moisture. In that case you should pour entire content of powder in bottle and prepare next potency. If you still have doubts, feel free to contact us via email or phone call.

Wishing you all a happy healing!!!